Trick or Treat Bag

Trick or treat bag-front

Trick or Treat bag-side

I wanted to make the boy a treat bag instead of buying him one (of course!).  So yesterday we went to Joann’s to get a little bit of halloween fabric-it was on sale and I got 1/2 yd. for $1!  I used scrap fabrics and interfacings for the rest too!  I made the bottom by tracing a basket and then measured around it to get how much I needed for the sides.  I used heavy interfacing for the sides and in the bottom I put a plastic top that I cut down a bit.  I figured this would hold the weight of all the goodies better than the interfacing.  We tested the bag out last night when we did “Trunk or Treat” at church.  (if you aren’t familiar with this, cars line up with their trunks all facing the same way and they open them and decorate the insides-the people stand by their trunks and the kids go down the line and get treats)  The bag held up great, and no saggy bottom!  Now we need to hide the candy from the boy! 

Rocking chair seat cover

I finally finished cleaning out and re-organizing my sewing space, so I actualy have room to use the cutting table again! I am trying to finish all of the small projects on my list. This morning the boy was driving his cars on the old rocking chair again, so I knew that today was the day to make up a seat cover for it. This chair was handed down to us from my dad, which according to him has been around for four generations now, and I don’t want the seat to get ruined.

Rocking chair needs a seat cover

Rocking chair seat-getting scratched up

Rocking chair pad

I used the swatch of sample fabric that we got with our couch and it was plenty big to cover the seat, so I cut it down, found some navy in the scraps bin for the back, and made some ties from the navy too. It is a nice fit, and now I can go cross this project off my list!